
The Polynesian way - Blog by Todd

OoH Apr 13, 2015, by Todd Peter Reis in Yacht

As I watch the rise of the moon and her light washes away the infinite sea of stars, I wonder what tomorrow brings. The moon is to our east as we are traveling west so her light floods the Oceans of Hope's wake, really quite an amazing sight.

This whole experience left me wondering where we have been and what we have experienced. I keep getting drawn back to one moment.

It is not often you find something that clearly redefines a fundamental paradigm you hold. The French Polynesian people did this for me. People are good and good to each other.

It was explained that there are two types of people in Tahiti, the ones that are out for money and the fastest way to a buck and then there are the true Polynesian people who believe that honesty and kindness are true virtues.

On Bora Bora we met a nice group of people that saw Oceans of Hope anchored near their pearl farm and became interested. After they looked up our website they became intrigued with our mission and decided to help us any way they could. Day after day they bent over backwards to make sure we had everything we wanted much less needed.

They gave us a free tour of the Island via Range Rover that included a trip up a few of Bora Bora's mountains. When we needed to get our papers straight and all of us had to appear at the immigration office, they shuttled us there and back even though it took multiple trips. They allowed us to use their FRESH water showers, all this was at no charge!

When we said thank you for the thousandth time they simply replied that this is the Polynesian way!

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