
Barriers in accessing MS care in Europe

OoH Oct 7, 2015, by Oceans of Hope News team in Events
From the event: "Barcelona"

Earlier today Biogen organized a Patient Advocacy Summit at ECTRIMS 2015. A number of new studies and research were presented and discussed along with the potential to add knowledge and understanding about the factors that act as barriers and restrictions in accessing MS care and treatments in Europe.

One of the key concerns was the relationship between the physician and the person with MS. Studies show that many people with the disease want to be ’good patients’ and hide symptoms and feelings in order not to be difficult and as a result try to deal with it on their own instead.

Founder of the Sailing Sclerosis Foundation, Mikkel Anthonisen, presented the Oceans of Hope project as an example of an alternative way to support, educate, and empower people with MS. One of the most important ideas behind the project is to see people as assets and create communities which help to open up new possibilities for the individual:

”What we are doing with Oceans of Hope is all about how we are together as human beings, to see each other as assets and in order to do that we need to have the right communities where people with MS become people instead of patients. On Oceans of Hope no one feels excommunicated because they have a disease, because we see and include each other – and it goes without saying that if you can sail around the world, which our crew with MS have done, then you are an asset!” he said.

Click here to read the State of MS Report – Improving Physician-Patient Dialogue About Multiple Sclerosis Around the World

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Mikkel Anthonisen

Mikkel Anthonisen

Founder, doctor and skipper