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What a Day - blog by Pia

OoH Feb 3, 2015, by Pia Helgogaard in Yacht

From the moment I left Denmark on the plane to Panama City, I was looking forward to seeing Oceans of Hope again. I have been on board before, from Copenhagen to Kiel, the 1st leg of this fantastic project. The boat that is now on its way around the world with its incredible message.

Like on the first trip, I didn't want to get my hopes too high, and I knew that this leg was going to be very different. Still it was funny stepping on board the boat again in Panama. Because after a short time an old feeling spread in my entire body... Warmth, comfort, and like being home again. This boat is magical. The same magic I experienced in Denmark in the two weeks I was helping out on board with all sorts of stuff to get it ready for departure back on June 15th 2014.

Now we are on our way to the Galapagos, and yesterday, just as we were sitting down for an omelette, there was a bite, and Dr. Morten caught a large tuna. The menu changed at an instant, and what an atmosphere we suddenly had on board. Laundry, cleaning, sunbathing and reading, yeah we just need some wind, because right now we are motoring. Such a shame, now that this lady is so lovely with her dresses on. Luckily it opens other opportunities, and what better than a swim in the clear blue waters of the Pacific tempting you at 28 degrees Celcius. Also I have to mention the silence around the dinner table as we consumed the grilled freshly caught tuna, a delicious meal that we enjoyed in the most beautiful sunset with the full moon behind us out in the middle of nowhere. Just water, water and more water everywhere. I've got the evening watch and the spots around the cockpit are filled with those who come enjoy a movie before the night. We only just finished the movie, when we realised that the weather reports hadn't been accurate. Up with the sails and off with the engine, the wind was here. Yipee! Long live the unpredictable, Galapagos here we come!

Yesterday my fellow crew member, Erland, was asking for fish here in his blog. That arrived as if it was summoned, and so did the wind. Never stop dreaming, and remember to see the possibilities right in front of you instead of the disabilities.


Report from Bosun Bertram:

Zero winds and motor pretty much all the way to Galapagos. That's what the latest weather report had forecast. Fortunately, they didn't know of the optimal winds between 16-22 knots out of the south that we have been sailing with the last 20 hours, keeping an average of almost 7 knots.

Genoa and main sail and a course set directly on Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz. A good 450 nautical miles to go and only 300 till we cross the equator - we are all excited to reach both milestones!

Local time on board is 19:30 and our current position is 2,58.81N , 85,1.50W.

Danish Translation:

Sikke en dag

Lige fra jeg forlod Danmark med flyet mod Panama City, glaedede jeg mig til at se Ocean of Hope igen. Jeg har tidligere vaeret ombord – Amaliehaven/Kiel – 1. etape paa det her fantastiske projekt. Baaden der nu er paa vej jorden rundt med sit gode budskab.

Jeg ville som paa foerste tur ikke goere mig nogle forventninger, og vidste, at denne ville blive en helt anden tur.

Det var nu alligevel sjovt da jeg traadte ombord paa baaden igen I Panama. For da der var gaaet lidt tid, bredte der sig en velkendt foelelse I hele min krop... varme, tryghed og som at vaere hjemme igen. Den baad er magisk. Den samme magi, som jeg oplevede I Danmark, ind over de to uger jeg var med paa baaden foer afrejse, med alt slags goeren for at blive klar til afrejse 15. juni 2014!

Nu er vi afsted mod Galapagos, og I gaar, lige som vi sad og spiste aeggekage, var der bid paa krogen, og dr. Morten fangede en stor tunfisk. Menuen aendredes prompte, og sikke en stemning det gav ombord. Toejvask, rengoering, solbadning og laesning, ja desvaerre har vi ikke saa meget vind, og maa sejle med motor. Synd og skam fordi damen her er skoen I skoerter. Heldigvis er det jo saadan, at det altid aabner op for muligheder for noget andet. Og hvad kan vaere bedre end et dyk I Stillehavets dybklare blaa fristende vand paa 28 grader. Jeg husker ogsaa at naevne roen rundt om bordet ved indtagelsen af den grillede nyfangede tun, et udsoegt maaltid nydt I den flotteste solnedgang med fuldmaanen bag os ude I midt I ingenting. Bare vand, vand og atter vand over alt. Jeg har aftenvagten og pladserne indtages af dem, der lige skal naa en lille film til natten. Vi er ikke mere end lige faerdige og saa kan vi se at vejrprognoserne ikke holder. Saa er det tid til at faa sejlene op og slukket for motoren. Juhuu! Uforudsigeligheden laenge leve, Galapagos here we come!

I gaar sukkede min besaetningsmakker her efter fisk I sin blog. Den kom som kaldet og det samme gjorde vinden. Stop aldrig med at droemme og se mulighederne der er lige foran dig I stedet for begraensningerne.

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This article was written by