Christina Engstrøm


Christina Engstrøm, 45, lives near Copenhagen, the Capital of Denmark, and works with IT in a major bank.

Christina was finishing her education as an information technologist when she was diagnosed with MS back in the spring of 1995. She succeeded in getting a job and today she still works within that field. The only change in Christina’s weekly work has been reducing her schedule to half-time due to MS fatigue.

Christina is quite new to sailing. Back in the spring of 2013 she was inspired by the Sailing Sclerosis initiative to join a one week outdoor adventure course called ‘Uge 27 Idræt på tværs’ - a week arranged by the Danish Handicap Sports Union. There she spent her days on a J/80 sailboat – and got hooked on sailing. Now she is a member of Sejlklubben Køge Bugt and she has recently started training for obtaining the ‘Duelighedsbevis’ – the fundamental Danish theoretical and practical education within sailing.

In her own word, “I get so happy and relaxed when sailing. There I forget all about MS. There it is the ship, the wind and the waves that fills my mind.”

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